SPADES | politicians

GEORGE W. BUSH: ace of spades
($, CS, CH, CW, L, B, J) (what do these signs mean?)

Dereliction of duty - big time
Dereliction of duty seems to be a habit with George W. Bush. Going AWOL was nothing to be proud of. But it pales when compared to his admitted behavior in the ongoing scandal over the outing of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame. The outing occurred in a July 14, 2003, column by Robert Novak, who alone among reporters contacted by Senior White House officials, ignored the CIA's request to keep Plame's name private, and published the classified information.

On September 30, after the issue had become national news, George W. Bush went on record as saying "Leaks of classified information are bad things, and we've had too many lately in Washington. We've had leaks from the executive branch and leaks from the legislative branch. I want to know who the leakers are."

Oddly, on October 1, 2003, according to Nina Totenburg of NPR, "the White House also asked for and got permission earlier this week to wait a day before issuing a directive to preserve all documents and logs which led one seasoned federal prosecutor to wonder why they wanted to wait a day, and who at the Justice Department told them they could do that, and why?"


But even setting this suspicious behavior aside, if Bush is so concerned, where was he July 14? (Actually, he was telling us another whopper that day - see below.) Or any day until national attention forced him to address this crime by his own people? Why did Press Secretary McClellan say Bush has no intention of trying to find out who committed serious felonies undermining national security? Plame's work was in uncovering ways in which WMDs could be used against the US. Her work was destroyed, her field operatives possibly exposed to death, or killed. So the White House could settle a grudge against a man who told the truth.

Such is our national security for George W. Bush.

This story is continually deepening. The best sources are the blogs. Check especially

Hear his biggest lie for yourself!
On July 14, 2003, George W. Bush said the following: "We gave him [Saddam] a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in." Of course, anyone not brain dead or an infant during the months leading up to our attack on Iraq was aware that Saddam did after considerable pressure let UN inspectors in, and that it was George W. Bush who opposed extending their inspections because they were supposedly not effective. Are we making this up? Check here:

The Washington Post

Joe Conason has thoughtfully made it possible for you to actually hear the broadcast in which Bush told what is perhaps the most amazing lie of our times:


The list of George W. Bush's acts of utter incompetence, brazen dishonesty, and ruthless immorality given below is by no means exhaustive. It is, however, big enough to cause anyone who says that Clinton lied to hang their head in shame if they think the records are in any way similar. For more, and more depth, please go to Presidency of Lies and Conservatives, Liberals and the Radical Right.

Bush and Big Government

  • Bush created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States, called the "Bureau of Homeland Security."
  • Bush set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any other president in US history. The Congressional Budget Office has forecast a federal budget deficit of $480 billion in 2004, a record shortfall that many in Congress say could go even higher. This is far above the previous record of $290 billion reached in 1992. Once the cost of the Iraqi war is included, the deficit will probably exceed $500 billion.


  • After assurances to the contrary, Bush has requested Congress to eliminate the sunset provision in the Patriot Act, making it permanent. The act is now being applied to many crimes having nothing to do with terrorism.


  • Bush is the first President to have the Federal Government interfere in school content.
  • Budget growth under Bush was almost 5 times larger than under Clinton, over twice as large as under Reagan, and almost twice as large as under his father.

And the economy

  • Bush spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the US Treasury. He falsely claimed that during his campaign he said he would only run a deficit if war, recession, or national emergency struck. Al Gore had said it, Bush had not. Another lie.

    The Washington Post

  • Bush has enabled the wealthiest part of America to play an ever smaller role in supporting the country as whole while between 2001 and 2002, an additional 1.7 million Americans fell into poverty and the poverty rate increased 3.4 percent -- the largest absolute and percentage increase in 10 years. (Poverty in the United States: 2002, Census Bureau (news - web sites), 09-26-03)

    The New York Times

  • Bush lied repeatedly about expert reactions to his tax cuts.


And the average working american and family

  • In his first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.


  • In the first few months of 2003, the economy lost another 525,000 jobs.


  • The rate at which Americans are running out of their regular unemployment benefits was higher last month than any other February on record (going back to 1972). Nearly 327,000 workers exhausted regular unemployment compensation in February - meaning that a record one out of every two workers is running out of benefits. The total number of workers exhausting unemployment benefits has nearly doubled over the last two years.


  • He lied in his telling the American people that his tax cut would go primarily to middle Americans.

    "Most small businesses pay at the 39.6 percent rate."
    --President George W. Bush, March 22, 2001

    "In fact, fewer than five percent of these 17.4 million individual and business owners and entrepreneur pay the top rate. A total of only 691,000 taxpayers in the nation (including taxpayers who are not small business owners) paid the top rate in 1997, the latest year for which these data are available."
    --March 20 press release by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.


  • After two years of tax cuts supposed to raise wages, in September, 2003, non-farm wages and work hours remained stagnant. In a separate report, the Labor Department reported 8.9 million workers were unemployed in August, essentially unchanged from July. Nearly 22% of them had been without work for more than six months. Not counted in the unemployment rate were 1.7 million jobless people described as marginal or discouraged workers. The number of discouraged or marginal workers was 209,000 higher than August 2002.


    But, average pay increases for defense industry CEOs rose 79% from 2001 to 2002.


  • Bush is trying to eliminate overtime provisions for millions of workers,

    Bob Herbert's piece in The New York Times

And the environment

  • Allowed a net increase in air pollution from electric utilities by unilaterally rolling back the Clean Air Act. Key EPA administrators in making that decision then left the agency within days to work for these utilities and their lobbyists.


    This change in regulations occurred within a few weeks of Northeastern states winning court cases against utilities for violating the Clean Air Act. Very convenient timing for Bush's corporate contributors.


  • The White House directly interfered with EPA warnings about the toxic fallout from the World Trade Center collapse. It had "competing considerations" that came before protecting the health of the people of New York, particularly re-opening the stock exchange as quickly as possible, and limiting clean-up costs and liability claims. The agency was prevented from publishing clean up instructions, while its warnings about air quality were replaced by sunny statements that all was safe.


  • Bush is attempting to undermine the treaty that has successfully ended destruction of the ozone layer. Ironically, the Reagan administration ensured the treaty was adopted in the first place. Bush is seeking to perpetuate the use methyl bromide, the most ozone-destructive chemical still employed in developed countries, otherwise soon to be phased out. The US is responsible for a quarter of the world's consumption of the chemical. Under an extension to the 1997 Montreal Protocol, the pesticide is being gradually phased out and replaced with substitutes; its use in the West is due to end completely in 2005.

    The Independent of UK

  • the Bush administration has cut enforcement for key environmental programs through steadily slashing budgets. Consequently, environmental laws that should otherwise be enforced by the Bush administration lie dormant on the books for lack of funding. For example, the EPA is required to review endangered species status reviews every five years. Lack of funds and staff prevents it from carrying out the law. This failure to fund executive branch agencies so they can carryout their duties violates Bush's pledge upon taking office to see that the laws of the land are enforced.
  • In the case of toxic waste the Bush administration has opposed requiring polluters to clean up their own messes at toxic waste sites - unlike Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. In fact, Bush has begun to use taxpayer money to pay for the mess of corporate polluters and to cut back overall on cleaning up existing sites. Then he does not appropriate the funds needed to do the job. Last year, the Bush administration cleaned up only 42 Superfund toxic waste sites and expects to clean up approximately 40 sites this year. This is a more than 50 percent decrease from the late 1990's when EPA cleaned up an average of 87 sites per year. According to a congressionally requested study completed in 2001, the Bush administration has under-funded the Superfund program by between $1.2 and $1.8 billion from 2001-2004, leaving communities across America at risk of chemical exposure and the diseases caused by toxic chemicals.


  • Deceptive labeling is the norm for environmental bills pushed by the administration. For example, Bush's so-called "Healthy Forests" proposal would open up 20 million acres of national forests to logging and waive environmental laws. It would not require thinning of forests close to communities threatened by fire, but open up forests with more profitable timber far from these towns for logging.


    The Bush administration claims that fuel-reduction projects are being stalled by citizen appeals and lawsuits, hence the need to make government more immune from citizen input, but the General Accounting Office (GAO) found that of the 1,671 Forest Service fuel-reduction projects in fiscal year 2001, not one had been litigated and only 1% of the projects had been appealed.


For more on the environment and Bush go to this archive:

also see his environmental report card:

And education

  • The "Education President's" education budget for 2004 actually cuts $200 million from the president's No Child Left Behind Act. This is a real cut - $200 million less than is being spent on a program that was never funded to the extent that Bush claimed in his speeches.


  • Bush was elected in part because of his claims that he drastically improved education in Houston. Rod Paige, Houston's former superintendent of education became Secretary of Education under Bush. The whole charade is now demonstrated to be based on fraud.

    The New York Times

  • Fraud also has been found to be common in Texas testing, Bush style, and his centralized approach of one-size-fits-all command-and-control education has already been rejected by Montana as foolish and unwarranted.


  • Bush urged expansion of Teach For America in his 2002 State of the Union address. In September, 2003, House and Senate negotiators stripped all government support for the organization that sends talented teachers into our poorest school districts. Bush spent no apparent effort trying to back his cheap words with action - and many poor students will suffer as a result.


  • Bush lied on October 25, 2002: "In return for the biggest increase in education spending in a long, long time we expect every child to be educated." TRUTH: the 15.8 percent increase in Department of Education discretionary spending for fiscal year 2002 (the figures the White House supplied when asked about Bush's statement) was below the 18.5 percent increase under Clinton the previous year-and Bush had wanted a much smaller increase than Congress approved.


And corporations and crony capitalists

  • Using the confusion of war, on May 22, 2003, Bush issued an Executive Order creating a new American aristocracy enjoying special privileges mere citizens are denied. This covers immunity from any wrong doing by American corporations involved in the Iraqi oil industry. The new aristocrats are, of course, his corporate friends.

    The Los Angeles Times

  • Bush is the all-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations. For an unopposed Republican primary race in 2004, he will raise more than Ronald Reagan, his father, and Robert Dole, combined.
  • Bush presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud in any market in any country in the history of the world. Many of the fraudulent techniques used were apparently also done by Bush himself, but he refuses to allow the SEC investigation of his actions to be released.
  • Bush set the record for most campaign fund raising trips by any president in US history. Bush raised $200 million for a primary where he is unopposed. He then sent out letters claiming that he was short of cash compared to his Democratic opponents.
  • Bush presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed. His administration blamed environmentalists for the blackouts which were caused by corporate energy manipulators.
  • The biggest lifetime contributor to his campaigns, who is (was?) also one of his best friends, presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).
  • Halliburton, the company formerly headed by Vice President Cheney, has won contracts worth more than $1.7 billion under Operation Iraqi Freedom and stands to make hundreds of millions more dollars under a no-bid contract awarded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The size and scope of the government contracts awarded to Halliburton in connection with the war in Iraq are significantly greater than was previously disclosed. Independent experts estimate that as much as one-third of the monthly $3.9 billion cost of keeping U.S. troops in Iraq is going to independent contractors.


  • Bechtel has accused Halliburton of a monopoly on federal contracts in Iraq.


  • While involved with Harken, Bush personally participated in and benefited from the same kinds of corporate shifty business he later denounced after the fall of Enron. He gave hypocrisy a bad name here.


  • The average Californian was bilked of more than $250 by energy companies during the manipulated "energy crisis," but the state will receive compensation of about 3 cents. In addition, California wanted out of contracts signed under duress. Bush's FERC had the power to abrogate those contracts. But in June, on a 2-to-1 vote (yes, two Republicans against one Democrat), the commission upheld those contracts. Paul Krugman concluded "So California, the victim of one of the worst abuses of market power since the robber baron era, will get no redress."


Foreign policy

  • Bush gave the American people relentlessly and almost uniformly false reports as to why we should attack Iraq. (The one truthful one was that Hussein was a bad man.)


  • The Bush administration refused to act on information about terrorist attacks against the US provided to them by the out going Clinton administrations foreign policy experts. For details, see Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars, pp. 795-7.
  • Bush has done all he can to prevent a serious investigation of the events leading up to 9-11. The latest commission on the issue has concluded a cover up exists. If this does not prove he has something to hide, it is difficult to imagine what would?

    Article in The Washington Post

  • Bush unilaterally dissolved more international treaties than any president in US
  • Bush was the first president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation, and did so on the basis of relentlessly false reports to the American people.


  • He lied in his promise to fund Afghanistan's rebuilding after the war.


  • Bush launched this war against the will of the United Nations and the vast majority of the international community. If the UN didn't support him, it would be "irrelevant" he said. Now he seeks that same community to pull our chestnuts out of the fire by putting their troops under his "leadership" in Iraq and their money under his control.
  • George Bush declared, "The terrorist threat to America and the world will be diminished the moment Saddam Hussein is disarmed." (March 13, 2003) Yet many months after the end of major combat operations, no evidence has been found linking Saddam with any terrorist organization and Americans are dying every day in Iraq from terrorist attacks conducted by Iraqis in their own country.
  • Bush withdrew from the World Court of Law. The treaty would only require extradition of accused criminals who were not going to be tried in their own country.


  • Bush refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by
    default no longer abides by the Geneva Conventions, which used to be a means of distinguishing between civilized and uncivilized governments.


  • Bush set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.
  • Bush took the world's sympathy for the US after 9/11,and in less than
    a year made the US perhaps the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US history).
  • Bush has squandered his opportunity to keep Afghanistan from reverting to the oppressive and anti-western society it was before we ousted the Taliban.


Bush and the militar

  • During wartime, Bush cut health care benefits for war veterans.


  • "We will not cut corners when it comes to the defense of our great land," Bush said in 2002. In September, 2003, Bush then quietly abandoned a plan to protect troop-transport airliners from missile attack by terrorists or Saddam loyalists.


  • Under Bush, the Army and Air Force failed to obey Congress' orders to create baseline medical records for soldiers sent to overseas war zones, in this case Iraq, Congress' General Accounting Office (GAO) concluded in a September, 2003 report. Failure to follow the law rates were as high as 98%. The law was passed so the health effects of fighting with modern weapons that resulted in breathing depleted uranium dust and such would be more clear, unlike in the first Gulf War. Administration concern for our troops seems limited to photo ops.

  • Bush went AWOL after using connections to get into the Texas National Guard during the Vietnam War. For full documentation, see


  • The US now spends as much on defense as the rest of the world combined yet under Bush we have not spent the vastly smaller sums needed to safeguard our ports against terrorist attacks.

And democracy

  • The greatest threat to democracy in American history is the efforts by Bush and his allies to create a one party machine through graft and corporate favoritism. See this important essay by Paul Krugman, as well as our own discussion in the essay on conservatism.

    The Krugman essay in The New York Times

And moral corruption in government

And personal failings

  • Bush is the first president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.


  • In his first year in office Bush set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history. After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, he presided over the worst security failure in US history. He then sought to eliminate overtime for millions of American working people.
  • All records of his tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to his father's library, sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.
  • All records of any SEC investigations into his insider trading or bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.
  • All minutes of meetings of any public corporation for which he served on the board are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.
  • Any records or minutes from meetings he (or his VP) attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public revie
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